BE MOBILE CLIENT, S.L. (hereinafter, “BEMOBILE”) as the controller if the website and for the purposes set out in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, provides the following information on the terms and conditions of access and use of this Website, which must be known by the user.

Legal Terms


BE MOBILE CLIENT, S.L is the owner of the web (hereinafter, “Website”):

  • Tax ID: B-66687526
  • Registered office: Plaça Pau Vila 1, 2A2, 08039 Barcelona
  • E-mail:
  • Phone: (+34) 93 676 23 21
  • Registration data: Registered in the Comercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 45191, Sheet 1, Page B 479785, Registration 1.

Access terms and use conditions

The use of the Website gives the status of user and involves the full and unconditional acceptance by the user of all the General Terms and Conditions that are published at the time the user visits the website. The provision of services by BEMOBILE through the Website is free of charge for all Users.

The User guarantees the authenticity of the data that may be communicated through the Website, being considered solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to the provider or third parties.

The User agrees to the correct use of the Website and utilities provided to them in accordance with the law, this legal document, and the instructions and notices provided to them.

The User agrees to use the Website and all its contents for legal purposes only, refraining from using them for prohibited purposes which breach the law, may be harmful to the legitimate rights of BEMOBILE or any third party, or that may cause any direct or indirect damages to them, as well as refraining from using the Website in any way that could damage, disable, overload, impair or prevent its normal use.

Disclaimer of warranties and liability

BEMOBILE excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may derive from published information on the Website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party. BEMOBILE shall only be responsible for the content and information of the Website created and developed by it, and shall not assume responsibility for any altered content, generated or published by third parties or on other websites that are not its property.

BEMOBILE does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation or the nonexistence of interruptions or errors in the Website, and especially, when these arise from causes alien to BEMOBILE or from a fraudulent action of the User. However, where possible, BEMOBILE will give prior warning of such incidents and make its best efforts to avoid them.

BEMOBILE shall not be liable for any damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the Website or its services and content, nor for any possible security errors that may occur in the User’s computer system as a result of the presence of a virus in the devices used to connect to the services.

Use of cookies

BEMOBILE uses cookies when a user browses its Website to provide the proper functioning of the website and to display its content; cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer. In any case, the user will be able to obtain more information about the use of cookies and their configuration in our Cookies Policy.

Personal data protection

BEMOBILE guarantees the protection of personal data provided by the user through the Website in compliance with current regulations, thus adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures. To obtain more information about the processing of their personal data and the exercise of rights, the user can access our

Privacy Policy.

Intellectual property

All the contents of the Website are the intellectual property of the company and are protected by the national and international legislation on intellectual property in force, including graphic material, graphics, text, video and audio clips, brands, logos and other content available on this website.

Using the content mentioned on our Website page is absolutely forbidden without the previous written authorisation of BEMOBILE.

The total or partial reproduction, use, transformation, distribution and/or public communication requires prior written authorisation from BEMOBILE, and its use without prior authorisation and without the mere use of the Website implying the assignment of intellectual or industrial property rights is illegal.

Modification of conditions

BEMOBILE reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website and these conditions.

However, the duty to inform users will be fulfilled by publishing them on this Website. The User acknowledges and accepts that it will be his responsibility to periodically review this Legal Notice for possible modifications to the Conditions, so that the latest version applicable in each case is known.

Legislation and jurisdiction

The provision of the service is governed by Spanish legislation. In the event of disputes or matters relating to the use of this Website, the User expressly submits to the Courts of Barcelona.